Opportunities in the Birthing Portal: A Conversation with Nathalie Babazadeh

This is a conversation with my friend, healer and teacher Nathalie Babazadeh. We dig into her experiences birthing her two children years apart.

We talk about:

  • Motherhood and creating structures to support your work and creativity

  • What we can learn from births that move slow

  • Midwives

  • Postpartum anxiety and depression and if the labels are useful

  • Birth as a portal between life and death

  • Placenta burial as ritual

  • How the relationship between mother and daughter shifts and changes when the daughter becomes mother too

  • Nathalie’s 9 month Divine Mind Shamanic Energy Medicine Training and Adventure Program starting October 2022.

You can visit Nathalie’s website for information about her program at Blissdog.org.


Seeds from Birth: A Conversation with Mama Kattina


My Second Birth: An Integration